Who needs ISO 9001 is an important consideration for businesses of all sizes. Planning and executing are at the centre of any organisations’ quality management systems (QMS). Evaluating the effectiveness and fitness of QMS is key to the function of ISO 9001. We have gone into detail about what ISO 9001 is and its benefits, and this week will examine who needs ISO 9001 certification and explore its importance to various industries.

Who needs ISO 9001?

Over one million businesses around the world have and continue to use ISO 9001 and often the size and kind of business is inconsequential with certain laws and contracts often necessitating ISO 9001 certification. Besides potentially being needed by customers, it is also highly beneficial to organisations of all sizes. You may be a business who needs ISO 9001 certification if your business is looking to do any of the following:

  • Decrease risk
  • Raise the satisfaction of your customers
  • Maximise the utility of all your resources
  • Ensure your organisations processes are efficient and productive
  • Aspire to continually improve
  • Clearly communicate your organisations processes

Additionally, ISO 9001 certification carries a certain amount of prestige and instils a sense of confidence in your potential customers.

Industry benefits of ISO 9001


Construction companies can also benefit from ISO 9001 certification through qualifying for government contracts and providing a quality guarantee. It helps make sites safer, creates less waste, and contributes to better efficiency, not only benefiting your employees but also helps to increase margins as well.

Charities and community services

ISO 9001 certification can help charities by securing people who match with their core principles. Managing feedback results in strong performance on projects performed in the community. This can lead to increased recognition and funding.

Small businesses

Small and medium-sized enterprises tend to make up the majority of businesses in the world and maintaining their appeal to customers and adaptability often takes effort and commitment. They are often the businesses who need ISO 9001 certification in order to optimise customer happiness and produce the best results. It helps them to accomplish their work and stay in business for the long term.


Consistency, efficiency, and precision define engineering. Replicating their performance is important too. ISO certification helps to create risk contingencies, locate potential dangers, and gets rid of costly and wasteful procedures.


Routinely delivering at the specified time and every time is at the center of the logistics. A logistics organisation with a focus on iso certification will improve their efficiency, decrease their impact on the environment, and better the quality of their service. ISO 9001 certification ensures that optimal results will occur and sets a suitable standard to follow.

Tech-based services

A relatively young industry, technology-based services are quickly answering the urgent need and demand for their services by consistently introducing new ideas and services into the market. ISO9001 training helps them smooth out standard operating procedures and allows them to increase their output.


Having the best quality control is paramount to the manufacturing industry. ISO certification helps to ensure that organisations in the manufacturing sector can consistently pay attention to the customer. It also helps them make quality products and supply them regularly and on-time.

Need HR assistance?

We hoped our article helped provide an understanding of who needs ISO certification and the benefits it can give several industries. Bramwell partners is an HR consulting Brisbane firm ready to help answer your HR or ISO 90001 questions. For more information on how we can benefit your organisation, get in contact with us online.